Sunday 10 November 2013

Week 7

Doctor Who: The Day Of The Doctor

Here are the two official trailers 'The Day of The Doctor':

- Enjoy

'From the looks of the footage, show overlord Steven Moffat has definitely gone for epic, with a proper look at the Time War between the Daleks and the Time Lords that has cast a shadow across the entire run of the series since it returned in 2005. It also appears to indicate that – spoilers! – John Hurt’s mystery Doctor comes from that period, and fits in between Paul McGann’s Eighth and Christopher Eccleston’s Ninth, thereby screwing up the numbering system something rotten.
Also fun are some brief glimpses of the Tenth (David Tennant) and Eleventh (Matt Smith)’s Doctors together, plus brief Snippets of UNIT war rooms, the Zygons, Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) appearing to go all Bad Wolf-y again and someone riding a horse out of the TARDIS.
It all looks like it could be fun, though will it be too OTT even for Moffat’s run on the series? Well, it is the 50th anniversary, you knew they were going to go bonkers with it. American readers will be pleased to know that BBC America plans to simulcast the show at 2:50pm ET/11:50am PT on November 23 (lined up with the Beeb’s 7:50pm screening) to cut down on piracy. And the Mark Gatiss-penned drama about the birth of Who as a series, An Adventure In Space And Time, is set for 9pm on Friday November 22 in America-land. For more on both the origin drama and the 50th anniversary special, land your TARDIS at any good newsagent or pick up the digital version of the new Empire. Allons-y!'
- From the Empire 

I personally am extremely excited for the 50th anniversary special: One because OHMYGODITLOOKSAMAZING and two because my two favorite 'Doctors' are going to be in it together Matt Smith and David Tennant. I WILL be seeing this in cinema and I am definitely counting down the days: November 23rd HERE WE COME !!!! Allons-Y!


50/50 was released in 2011 inspired by a true story, about a man who learns he has cancer and his struggle to beat the disease. The movie is a comedy drama and I think it mixes the genres fabulously. I watched the movie for the first time this week and I really enjoyed it. I think that Joesph Gordon-Levitt was an excellent choice to play Adam; he really made you believe and understand everything Adam was going through, for me there was not a moment in the film when i didn't fully 'get' Adam. The comedic side of the film gave the audience and me great light relief and made the film flow more naturalistic and realistic. I think without the comedy the film would flop as it would just be a sad film, however the sad parts in the film were still useful and added to the narrative of the film. For me it was one of the first film based around cancer/death that I thoroughly enjoyed in a long time. For me I would give this movie a 4/5 as I really did enjoy it, however some of the scenes were unnecessary and didn't add to the film, also I think the ending could have been wrapped up a lot better to give a more satisfactory close to the narrative. The film also featured Seth Rogen who I thought was hilarious but also a really supportive friend of Adam; he added a lot of depth and variety to the film which I really liked.


Christian Bale has been talking about his successor to Batman’s cape and cowl, having apparently already contacted Ben Affleck to offer him some friendly advice.

“I wish him all the best,” said Bale in an interview with Access Hollywood. “He’s a very experienced actor and filmmaker and he’ll make it his own.

“Our thing’s finished, we’ve always declared it was finished and it should be passed on to another actor and it will be again after him.”

And as a man who has spent a long time trussed up in that suit, Bale has some practical advice to offer his replacement…

“The only thing I said to him is just make sure he can take a piss without anyone having to help him, because it’s a little bit humiliating when you have to have someone help you out of the costume. That was my main piece of advice for him.”

-total film

watch the clip of Christian Bale giving Ben Affleck advice!

I personally am devastated that Ben Affleck will be the new Batman, he just does not fit the role at all, however I will be going to see the film as every film deserves a chance and I loved the Dark Knight Rises and Man Of Steel. 

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